Istanbul - Anadolu
CEO of Avea Erkan Akdemir said on Monday that the length of the phone talks was on the rise in Turkey while it was decreasing in Europe. \"Besides, there is a 400-500 percent increase in the rate of texting and mobile internet use,\" he added. CEO of Avea Akdemir became the guest of AA Finance News which was developed within the scope of centennial vision of Anadolu Agency. Akdemir argued that Turkey\'s mobile communication was one of the fast growing sectors of economy. He stressed that Turkey ranked among the top five countries with the highest rate of mobile communication in Europe, saying \"The length of the phone talks is on the rise in Turkey while it is decreasing in Europe. Besides, there is a 400-500 percent increase in the rate of texting and mobile internet use.\" Akdemir also touched on the recent economic outlook of Turkey. Stating that there was not a fragile economy right now in Turkey, Akdemir noted that \"When we look around, there might be something worrying both politically and economically yet there is no economical reflection of it.\"