Dubai - APS
Algeria will mutualise all its national potential of optical fibres very soon, through the implementation of the National Fibre Optics Plan (PNFO), said in Dubai Minister of Post and Information and Communication Technologies Moussa Benhamadi. \"It is the first measure to be taken for a better use of all the fibres held by companies, particularly the energy sector (15,000 km), railway (about 5,000 km), telecommunications (50,000 km) and other public companies and organizations, said Benhamadi at a wideband world forum organized on the occasion of an ICT Global Summit in Dubai. The Minister, who represented President of the Republic Abdelaziz Bouteflika at this world event, said that Algeria \"has a large area need to be connected through infrastructures carrying digital data via networks based on wired or wireless new generation technologies.\" \"We have launched an ambitious plan for the development of optical fibre nationwide, based on a transversal approach to ensure coordination and follow-up of sites with ministerial departments in charge of spatial planning to ensur the operational deployment of digital infrastructures concomitantly with the great structuring works undertaken by other sectors,\" he added.