DLD display largest flip-dot screen in Middle East at GITEX Technology Week

Dubai Land Department, DLD, in co-operation with Pixonal, a leading innovation design firm, is showcasing the largest flip-dot screen to ever be constructed in the Middle East at GITEX Technology Week.

The six by two metre screen is set to showcase DLD’s latest news which includes live real-estate transactions and project progress updates.

DLD recently announced it had become world’s first government entity to conduct all transactions through Blockchain technology, and the data from these transactions would be fed through the GITEX live site flip-dot screen.

The screen was designed by IMGSRC, a Tokyo-based technology design firm part of the Pixonal Network.

A flip-dot screen is a high-tech mechanical installation built on an authentic motion concept. It consists of black and white small magnetic plastic dots controlled electrically to flip, converting content into mechanical movement.

Through Japanese technology, the dots flip in a synchronised motion to show visual content. The screen is also interactive, allowing users to manipulate the content displayed and create a uniquely engaging experience for customers.

Sultan Butti bin Mejren, Director General of DLD, commented, "GITEX is an excellent opportunity for organisations to display their latest technologies and innovations and we are thrilled to showcase Dubai property statistics and data in an innovative and creative way using a unique technology such as the flip-dot screen. Giving visitors a different experience is part of our commitment to Dubai Plan 2021 to make Dubai a city of happiness by embracing creativity and empowered people. We look forward to visitors using the high-tech screen and learning more about our latest blockchain announcement"

Pixonal is an award winning human-cantered innovation design network, with more than 700 designers and engineers from 23 different nationalities. The company operates from 10 world-class studios located in major technology design hubs like Tokyo, San Francisco, Stockholm and Amsterdam.