Washington - UPI
The U.S. Justice and Commerce departments announced the creation of a National Commission on Forensic Science to guide local law enforcement nationwide. The 30-member commission will focus on creating national standards for certification, training and best practices for forensic crime labs across the country. It will serve as a resource for forensic scientists, prosecutors, defense attorneys and judges in cases where \"CSI\" -- crime scene investigation -- technology is at issue. \"Forensic science is an essential tool in the administration of justice and needs to be continually evaluated as science progresses,\" said Deputy Attorney General James M. Cole. \"Forensic science helps identify perpetrators, convict the guilty, exonerate the innocent, and protect public safety. This initiative is led by the principle that scientifically valid and accurate forensic analysis strengthens all aspects of our justice system.\" The Justice Department\'s representatives on the commission will seek to create a framework for labs to follow and institute common practices for all crime labs, a government release said.