Kuwait - KUNA
Electioneering campaigns for the forthcoming parliamentary election are witnessing a fresh phenomenon of using Photoshop technology to beautify their photos for ads, computer designers said here on Monday. Speaking to KUNA separately, designers said candidates now seek to make use of high technology, including Photoshop, in order to give a good impression to voters. The culture of society has now changed, with facial appearances playing an influential role in attracting people, Mohamed Anwar, a computer company designer said. The use by candidates of computer programs, mainly Photoshop, has become so common, he added. For his part, Khalid Shafi, another computer designer, said it is a good thing for candidates to cope with new technology by means of using technological tools like Photoshop. He said hopefuls make use of Photoshop in order to look handsome and draw people\'s attention. Salem al-Enezi, a voter, has a different view saying that everyone should not be deceived by appearance as beauty does not necessarily mean good platforms or programs for candidates. Change in appearance only influences a very limited number of people as the focus should be on electoral promises and platforms.