Kuwait - KUNA
"InfoConnect Exhibition helps fan positive and constructive competition among companies concerned," said Chairperson of the Board of Trustees of Sheikh Salem Al-Ali Informatics Award, Sheikha Aida Salem Al-Ali, Thursday. The exhibition, dealing with information technology, office systems, and communications systems and tools, gives the public a glimpse of and access to the latest in the field from around the world. Holding the event annually, she stressed, encourages technological improvements in Kuwait. The board of Informatics Award highly encourages such events with goals and functions that correspond to its own. The ultimate goal is, she said, "building a fully integrated and functioning advanced informatics community." Sheikha Aida noted the fevered competition and strife for domination among the world's leading countries is most surely seen in the fields of technological creativity, information technology, and technical and technological applications and the widespread use of social media networks and smartphones is a big force pushing in this direction. The official said she had toured the exhibition and expressed pleasure at some of the innovations and tools on offer, and also expressed satisfaction that the exhibit is attracting new world companies each year.