Tehran - FNA
Last year was full of various events and achievements related to nanotechnology in Iran. In that year, Iran ranked 12 in the world (until January 1, 2012) in the production of science by publishing numerous scientific papers in the creditable ISI journals. This position shows a two-step growth in Iran\'s rank in comparison with the previous year. The Fourth International Nanotechnology Festival (Iran Nano 2012) was held in Iran last year. The international Asia Nano Forum was held too, simultaneously with the beginning of Iran Nano 2012 and over 30,000 visitors paid a visit to it. In the previous year, many scientific conferences were held in Iran. Among the most important conferences, mention can be made of the Tenth and Eleventh Nanotechnology Conferences for University Students, and the Fourth International Conference on Nanostructures on Kish Island. The presentation of five new production achievements in the country in the field of nanotechnology was among the most important achievements of Iran last year. The five new achievements were a device to determine specific area (BET) of nanomaterials with the ability to characterize nanostructured materials, deep reactive ion etching (DRIE) device with the ability to create vertical and deep micrometric and nanometric structures, capillary electrophoresis device with the ability to quantitatively and qualitatively detect medicine, animal spectroscopy device (HiReSPECT) with the ability to take images from small animals, and Sinadoxosome nanomedicine. In addition, 14 Nano Week Exhibitions were held in this year for students from 14 provinces of the country in order to introduce as much as possible the concepts and applications of nanotechnology to the students. During the organization of these courses, more than 27,000 students became familiar with nanotechnology.