Tehran - FNA
Iran Nanotechnology Initiative Council is due to organize the International Forum on Nanotechnology Economy (IFNE2013) in Tehran International Permanent Fairground from October 2 to 3, 2013. The main goal of the forum is to create an environment for the specialists and those interested in economical issues related to nanotechnology, including commercialization, investment, venture capital, technology penetration, immunology and marketing, to exchange ideas among technologists, investors, experts, and the domestic and international activists in various nanotechnology fields. IFNE2013 will focus on the five following scopes: 1. Venture capital in the field of nanotechnology a. Role of venture capital in the commercialization of nanotechnology b. Current position of venture capital in Iran and in the world c. Role of the government in VC industry d. Role of actual investors in the commercialization of nanotechnology e. Investment risk in nano business 2. Rating the new-born nanotechnology companies a. Methods and regulations of rating businesses in the first stage b. Studying the successful cases 3. Technology penetration in industries a. Challenges and solutions to persuade industries to invest in nanotechnology b. Role of the government c. Matchmaking creation mechanism d. How to connect the technology to the demand 4. Nanotechnology products marketing a. Target markets b. Role of the government in nanotechnology market development 5. Nanotechnology products brands a. Effect of brand/ joint brand on the nano business b. Advantages and challenges University students and other people who are interested are required to present posters in the abovementioned scopes in IFNE2013. The final date for the submission of paper abstract is 20 July 2013, and the abstracts must be sent to the email of the IFNE2013 at ifne@nano.ir. Important dates and other information about the International Forum on Nanotechnology Economy will be announced on the website of the Forum on http://irannano.org/inf/index.php?lang=2.