Chicago - UPI
U.S. workers may be incurring risks by failing to secure office laptops, sharing passwords or clicking on links from unknown sources, a study found. A Harris Interactive study conducted for found 61 percent of workers given company laptops said they have critical, sensitive information stored on them. A significant percentage of workers said their laptops currently held a variety of personal files in addition to office-related data and documents, CareerBuilder reported Tuesday. Asked to identify sensitive information stored on their office laptops, 48 percent of people polled said it was company information, 27 percent identified client information, while personal financial and other information both were cited by 18 percent of workers. Fifty-seven percent said they don\'t have a laptop security device and 52 percent said they don\'t lock their computer when away from their desk. And 25 percent routinely leave their laptop unsecured overnight, the study found. \"Laptops and mobile devices are quickly becoming the preferred technologies for many businesses,\" Eric Presley, chief technology officer at CareerBuilder, said. \"It\'s important for employers and workers alike to take precautions to reduce vulnerabilities and keep company information secure.\" This survey was conducted online among 3,892 U.S. workers ages 18 and over between May 14 and June 4, with a sampling error of plus or minus 1.57 percentage points.