San Francisco - UPI
Astronauts on a long-term, round-trip mission to Mars would experience radiation exposure levels considered significant but survivable, NASA says. Radiation data gathered by NASA\'s Mars rover Curiosity -- both on the way to the Red Planet and while on the planet\'s surface -- suggest astronauts on a two-and-a-half year mission there would receive a total radiation dose of about 1.1 sieverts, the space agency reported. \"The rough ballpark average for an astronaut career limit is on the order of a sievert,\" Curiosity scientist Don Hassler of the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colo., said Monday. Data from instruments on Curiosity show radiation levels on the Martian surface -- about 0.7 millisieverts a day -- are similar to the 0.4 to 1.0 daily millisieverts astronauts in low-Earth orbit encounter, reported. Levels encountered in space during the long trip to Mars would be a greater concern, scientists said. Radiation levels recorded by Curiosity instruments during the 8-month voyage to Mars averaged 1.9 millisieverts a day. \"We can survive the Mars surface,\" Hassler said. \"The hard part is the cruise.\" Hassler made the comments at the annual fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco.