Washington - UPI
MegaUpload content will not be returned to users, even those who uploaded legitimate private material that did not violate any copyrights, U.S. officials say. Users who lost data, personal files, documents and more when the popular but allegedly copyright infringing cloud-based Web site was taken down may be out of luck, at least for a while, the U.S. Department of Justice said. The department has moved to block former MegaUpload user Kyle Goodwin from accessing his high school football videos he uploaded to the site, TG Daily reported Tuesday. In the same way that if you left property at someone\'s house on the day police raided that house with a warrant, the government is not required to return that property before the case is resolved, authorities said. \"Mr. Goodwin\'s proposed solution is to have the government bear the financial cost of restoring his data even if that means releasing assets of the defendants which are subject to mandatory forfeiture,\" the Department of Justice said. The Motion Picture Association of America, which moved against MegaUpload for piracy, has said it has no objection to legitimate private content being returns to its owners. However, the government has made it clear individual users may have to file lawsuits if they want that content back, TG Daily said.