Brussels - ANSA
\'\'Current internet business models have to be updated and their sustainability guaranteed ahead of the expected future increase in web-based traffic\'\'. Luigi Gambardella, Chair of the Executive Committee of Etno, the association of European Telecommunications Operators, was addressing \'Samena Ceo leaders event\', a gathering aiming at seeking out new web business models, with another 60 CEOs from Middle Eastern companies. During the meeting, which was organised by Samena, an association of the main telecoms operators in the Middle East, it was highlighted how there is constant growth in demand for broadband connectivity from customers who prefer data traffic over voice and SMS. \'\'Telecoms sector operators have to continue investing in further developments to their own broadband infrastructure. Nonetheless, it is important to keep an eye on the commercial feasibility of the supply and you have to explore new channels for seeking out extra sources of revenue\'\' Mr Gambardella continued. Among those present at the meeting, which took place in Hong Kong, were the top management of Batelco Group (Bahrain), DST Group (Brunei), Kalimat (Iraq), Medi Telecom (Marocco), Omantel (Oman), PTCL (Pakistan), Qtel (Qatar), Saudi Telecom Group, Turk Telekom and Etisalat (Emirati Arabi). The Board of Sameno, chaired by Sheikh Mohamed Isa Al Khalifa, and of ETNO, announced their joint efforts to develop a common position for a Sustainable Internet Business Model for the operators in each region. (ANSAmed).