Moscow - Ria Novosti
Russia is ready to offer its medical experience for the rehabilitation of post-flight astronauts from partner countries on the International Space Station, the head of the Russian space agency, Roscosomos, Vladimir Popovkin, said on Friday. Head of manned flight programs at Roscosmos Alexei Krasnov said earlier that the Federal Space Agency proposed that NASA missions increase the length of stay on the ISS from six months to nine months and in the long term, to extend the stay in orbit to one year. “We know how to rehabilitate astronauts [after a long duration space flight]. For Europeans and Americans, the problem is harder, they do not have this experience. ... And so we are ready to use everything we know to help, perhaps, to change the rehabilitation period of [foreign] Astronauts,” Popovkin said. He explained that foreign astronauts usually fly home to their home countries directly after ending their space flight, which can sometimes cause problems for the astronauts. "After such a long space flight, a normal flight home is a big problem. Maybe they should fly here [to Russia] for the fist two to three weeks for an extended rehabilitation period," he added.