Global tech-giant Huawei, a Chinese telecoms equipment maker, unveils its new phone called \"the fastest smartphone in the world\" at Mobile World Congress(MWC) in Barcelona, Spain on Monday. The debut-making product, the Ascend P2, supports faster download speeds than other phones, with a 4.7 inch screen, and will be available for about 525 U.S. dollars in April to June, according to Richard Yu, head of Huawei\'s consumer business group. Yu also said Huawei has been committed to making Google\'s Android software easier to use for holders of Huawei-branded smartphones. The new phone can be programmed to display more than 100 different \"themes,\" or looks. This is important because \"ladies like flowers, colorful things,\" Yu said. Of leading companies, Huawei also shows the latest advances in world mobile communication at the MWC to continue expanding the global awareness of its brand. In Europe, Huawei has a much better position than in U.S., where few phones made by Huawei were sold. Huawei Technologies Ltd. was the world\'s third largest seller of smartphones, after Samsung and Apple, in the fourth quarter of last year, according to research firm IDC.