Twitter and Facebook

Russia’s telecom watchdog Roskomnadzor will require Twitter and Facebook to report on the implementation of the law on localizing personal data of users in the Russian Federation before the end of 2018, Head of the service Alexander Zharov told reporters on Tuesday.

"Yes. This is a fairly simple process, we will request information (on the localization of personal data - TASS). We are monitoring this situation," he said.

At the same time, Zharov noted that at the moment the service has no reason to believe that the companies have already localized the database of Russian users. "Thus, it is highly probable that we will draw up a protocol, in which we will set the deadlines, where we will prescribe the companies to localize the database, and then we will somehow agree to make it happen," he explained.

The law on personal data entered into force in Russia on September 1, 2015. Under it, both domestic and foreign companies have to store personal data of Russian citizens in Russia.