
The Central Bank of Russia (CBR) stated on Wednesday that the regulator did not plan to enlarge the range of Russian national currency banknotes and no new 10,000-ruble banknotes are planned to issue. Current banknotes of 5,000 rubles (around €110 euro according to the current exchange rate) will remain the largest possible banknotes.
Meanwhile, banknotes with a new design will be issued with limited circulation for collectors.
The CBR may issue a collection banknote with Crimea’s image “within the current range of banknotes,” First Deputy Governor Georgy Luntovsky told reporters on Wednesday.
In June, the parliamentary faction of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR) with its leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky suggested to issue a banknote dedicated to Crimea’s reunification with Russia. CBR Governor Elvira Nabiullina pledged to think over the issue. Lawmakers even proposed a pilot copy of the new banknote “so that Crimea would have not only spiritual ties with us in our thoughts, but also in material terms in our pockets and purses.”
The LDPR offered to place an image of the city of Sevastopol, which at first was incorporated in Russia jointly with Crimea according to Russian Empress Catherine the Great manifesto of April 8, 1783 and reunited with Russia under the treaty on March 18, 2014; that of famous Russian Admiral Nakhimov who organized Sevastopol’s defense in the Crimean War in 1854-1855; an image of the monument to warships made sunken in the Bay of Sevastopol built in 1905 on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of city defense; that of St. Vladimir Cathedral where Grande Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich was baptized in Christianity in 988 and that of an ancient city of Khersones which the Greeks had founded in 422 B.C.