Kirkuk - NINA
Crude oil resumed flowing on Friday evening, Jan. 3, from Kirkuk to Turkey’s Jihan port.Source at North Oil Company (NOC) told NINA that specialized teams have repaired the pipeline that carries crude oil from Kirkuk fields to Jihan port, as well as a second pipeline that provide local refineries with crude oil.He added that oil flow resumed on Friday evening on various levels until it settles at average level of 300-325 thousand barrels, out the NOC total production of 650 thousand barrels.Oil flow from Kirkuk oil field to Turkey’s Jihan port has stopped, at about 6:00 pm Thursday, Jan. 2, as a result to an act of sabotage at K2 pumping station near Baiji refinery. In the year 2013, the Iraq-Turkey oil pipeline has experienced more than 50 acts of sabotage.