Algiers - APS
Late playwright Abdelkader Alloula (1939-1994) embodied the theatre project combining authenticity and modernity and enjoyed a unique artistic experience in the Arab world, said Monday in Oran the participants in the international colloquium commemorating the 20th anniversary of the artist’s death.In this regard, playwright Berrachid Abdelkrim from Morocco underlined that Abdelkader Alloula is “one of the Arab playwrights to have a theatre project interfering heritage with realism and thought with beauty.”Thanks to his original works, said Berrachid, late playwright succeeded to combine the theatrical production with thought and struggle, which requires, according to him “the interest of the coming generations.”For Zaoui Fatiha, from Oran’s university, the theatre phenomenon of Alloula in his different creative aspects “makes from the body, in his plays, a means of expression.” As a reference she mentioned the body language in his works “Meddah” and “Ghoula” which was, according to her, “a way to remove all the restrictions imposed by the society.”