The Qur’an Memorization Society in Jazan has organized a 19-day study program to train young boys and girls in the memorization of the Holy Qur’an. The program is located at the Babaqi Mosque in Jazan and began on July 20, the first day of Ramadan. Director of the program Aqil Saabi said 100 students are participating in eight classes in which portions of the Holy Qur’an are learned by heart. There are eight recitation experts who teach the children the melodious classical style of recitation while observing all rules. There are also officials to supervise the conduct of the classes, which will end on Aug.7, Saabi said. Since its inception four years ago, the society’s annual study program aims to help young people devote their Ramadan vacation to the study of the Holy Qur’an and instill in them a Qur’anic culture. The course also enables children to discover the hidden talents within themselves, the Saudi Press Agency reported yesterday. From arabnews