Germany will welcome the New Year 2014 with lots of parties and fireworks on Tuesday. The largest New Year's Eve jamboree in Germany will be celebrated at night in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. The organizers expect on Tuesday hundreds of thousands of visitors at this one of the largest open-air parties in the world. The party mile will extend to two kilometres along the 17th June Street with performance of local prominent singer and band after 19:00 local time (GMT 1700). At midnight, about 6,000 rockets will be shot into the sky in 11 minutes to welcomed the arrival of the new year. On New Year's Eve in Berlin, about 250 emergency services will be available only around the party area and the police will run patrol and support the organizers at the admission gates. Glass bottles and firecrackers are not allowed to be taken, a spokesman said. In addition, 1,300 full-time and volunteer emergency staff are availabe to extinguish fires and to assist the injured. On average, about 500 people are injured by fireworks and fires on the New Year's Eve in Berlin. Meanwhile, celestial fireworks shows will light up the sky in other German cities. In Hamburg, the fireworks shows will start at the traditional meeting places like the Jetties and Inner Alster Lake, while in Munich, people will celebrated the coming year with fireworks, live music and artistry at the Tollwood winter festival.