President Joko Widodo

The Indonesian government has strongly denounced the Israeli ban on prayers at Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, Palestine.

"Indonesia once again strongly denounces the restriction on prayers at Al Aqsa Mosque. Likewise, Indonesia strongly denounces the death of three citizens," President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said on the Ahmad Dahlan University compounds here on Saturday. 

The Indonesian government called on the international community to help settle the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian land, he stated.

"Indonesia asks the UN, the UN Secretary General (in particular), to allow the UN Security Council to convene a session soon to discuss the Al Aqsa Mosque crisis," he remarked.

Security situation at the Al Aqsa Mosque compounds has been worsening in the past few days following the shooting of Al Aqsa Mosque Imam Sheikh Ikrima Sabri in East Jerusalem.

Israeli security agencies have also restricted access to Al Aqsa Mosque in a blatant breach of Muslims rights to perform prayers.

The Indonesian government has also urged Israel not to alter the status quo of Al Aqsa compounds so that Al Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock will remain holy sites to which all Muslims will have access.

Earlier, the Indonesian delegation to the International Conference on the Question of Jerusalem had condemned Israel for restricting access to the Al Aqsa Mosque, calling the measure as a reckless aggression.

The delegation, led by Indonesian Ambassador to Azerbaijan Husnan Bey Fananie, had encouraged the issuance of a Communique that condemned Israel for violating international laws and the status quo of Al Aqsa, the Indonesian Embassy in Baku noted in a press statement on Saturday.

Indonesias delegation to the conference comprised of Indonesian Ambassador to the UN/Indonesian Representative, Dian Triansyah Djani, and Counselor Minister of the Indonesian Permanent Representative in New York, Achsanul Habib, among others.

Djani revealed that frequent violation of the UN Security Council resolutions by Israel could no longer be tolerated.

The Baku Conference strongly condemned the closure of the mosque and the banning of the Friday prayers.(*)  

Source: ANTARA