The Ambassador of Japan to Lebanon Matahiro Yamaguchi

The Ambassador of Japan to Lebanon Matahiro Yamaguchi attended an inauguration ceremony organized by Social Humanitarian Economical Intervention for Local development (SHEILD) after the completion of a project funded by the government of Japan. 
Japan supported three social development centers in the governorate of Nabatieh through the great assistance for Grassroots Human Security Program (GGP). SHIELD works closely with deprived communities to enhance human rights, economic conditions and social integration through direct assistance and community-based interventions. 
With the Japanese funding, SHIELD was able to enhance the conditions of the SDCs in the towns of Shebaa , Ainata and Aita Al-Shaab. These centers work under the Ministry of Social Affairs and they provide a variety of needed services for the local communities and the refugees residing in southern Lebanon. 
In addition to offering social and health services, the SDCs also organize several educational and capacity building activities for beneficiaries of different age groups. 
The ceremony was held at the Social Development Center in Ainata with the presence of the Director General of the Ministry of Social Affairs Judge Abdallah Ahmad, and representatives of local municipalities and other authorities. 
During his speech, Ambassador Yamaguchi praised SHIELD on their efforts and said "the Social Development Center play an important role in enhancing the relationship between the host communities and the displaced individuals." 
He added," Japan is committed to further support the Lebanese people, and intense to continue cooperating with the Ministry of Social Affairs on future projects." 
After the ceremony, the Ambassador joined the attendees on a tour of the Centers of Ainata and Aita Al-Shaab. 

source: NNA