London - Arabstoday
Don’t miss the chance to visit from October 3, 2012 till January 13, 2013 the exhibition Thanassis Makris – In Retrospect at the Frissiras Museum in Plaka (Athens). The aim of this retrospective exhibition is to present the career of a painter who is characterised not only by his artistic skill, but also for the distinct ease through which he moves among different themes, whether it is nude and landscape, or portrait, everyday scenes and drawings. A sui generis painter is revealed, authentically Greek, whose distinctive and concise Doric brushstroke is accompanied by an economy that borders with abstraction. At the same time, even though he is a great drawing painter, Thanassis Makris does not hesitate to trust colour, which is set primarily as the medium through which he constructs his compositions, at many times balancing between representation and abstraction. Through the deposition of works, the viewer is able to reconstruct the trails of an organic artistic career that is constructed step by step, work by work, radiating a sense of cinematic narrative while the intense corporality of the figures and the heaviness of the materials are abolished through the skilful management of light. From visitgreece