Agriculture Minister Abdel Men'em el Banna

Agriculture Minister Abdel Men'em el Banna met Wednesday with Romanian Ambassador in Cairo Mihai Ștefan Stuparu to discuss means of boosting agricultural cooperation between the two countries. 

Banna told Stuparu Egypt has one of the biggest agricultural research centers in the Middle East.

The meeting took up means to increase the volume of trade exchange between Egypt and Romania, particularly where crops are concerned, the minister said. 

Egypt gives top priority to a project to reclaim 1.5 million feddans, Banna said, seeing in it an integrated project that has agricultural, industrial and urban aspects to it.

This project should change Egypt's agricultural map, create jobs for youth and achieve sustainable development, Banna told Stuparu.

Fish farming and animal wealth also figured high at the talks, Banna added.

The agriculture minister also held talks with Cypriot Ambassador in Cairo Charis Moritsis on agricultural cooperation between the two countries.

They discussed cooperation to establish fish farms in Egypt with the aim to increase fish production. 

The talks also focused on exchanging expertise and training in the fields of fish farming.

Source: MENA