Minister Tarek Qabil & Laura Kansikas

Trade and Industry Minister Tarek Qabil discussed with new Finnish Ambassador to Egypt Laura Kansikas ways of promoting economic cooperation between the two countries in foreign trade and joint manufacturing during the upcoming phase.

The meeting also tackled the economic reform program, currently being adopted by the government, and its role in luring more Finnish investments to Egypt, according to a statement issued by the Trade and Industry Ministry on Tuesday. 

The minister, meanwhile, underlined the need to promote the volume of trade between Egypt and Finland.

It is important to exchange industrial experiences between the two countries in order to serve the development system in Egypt and Finland, added the minister. 

The political and security stability in Egypt paves the way to attaining economic development, he further said. 

The volume of trade between Egypt and Finland reached 353 million euros last year, he noted.

Source: MENA