His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa today at Sakhir Palace received President Mahmoud Abbas

His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa today at Sakhir Palace received President Mahmoud Abbas of Palestine and the accompanying delegation. His Royal Highness Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa was present. 
An official reception was held in honour of the Palestinian President, HM the King along with his guest headed to the Podium of Honour and the national anthems were played. The two leaders inspected the Guard of Honour lined up to salute them.
HM the King and the Palestinian President held a bilateral meeting on the solid relations between the two countries, the latest Arab and Palestinian developments, as well as the regional and international updates.
The second meeting included the members of the two delegations.
HM the King gave a speech in which welcomed the Palestinian delegation in Bahrain and stressed support for the just Palestinian cause to reach a fair and durable solution to preserve the right of the Palestinian people to establish an independent state with Jerusalem as its capital. 
“The people of Bahrain will always appreciate and cherish the noble and dignified positions of the Palestinian people throughout our common history who have never hesitated to extend their expertise and knowledge to enrich our nation-building process,” HM King Hamad said. “We will never forget the generous contribution of our dear brethren.
“It is with great pleasure that we bestow on you the honour of Al Khalifia Medal to express our thanks and appreciation for your outstanding efforts to defend the issues of our Arab nation and your sincere efforts to achieve a just and comprehensive peace in the region. 
“We wish to reiterate Bahrain’s constant support to the right of the Palestinians to live in peace and prosperity under the banner of its independent state, and in a way that preserves the security and stability of our great Arab homeland. We are also honoured to be granted the Grand Medal, which we appreciate and cherish as a good brotherly gesture.
“The close brotherly relations between our two peoples will always reflect our distinguished partnership and our one common human journey in the dissemination and realization of the values of peace, tolerance and justice in order to spread goodness and love across the world.”
HM the King decorated President Abbas for his role in promoting the Bahraini-Palestinian cooperation and defending Palestinian people's rights, interest and unity. 
The Palestinian President bestowed on HM the King the Grand Medal of Palestine in acknowledgment of his role in boosting the Bahraini-Palestinian relations and supportive stances toward the Palestinian people and just cause. 
The Palestinian President, in his speech, took pride in Al Khalifa Order, saying it was an honourable appreciation of HM the King and Bahraini people to Palestine and its people. He expressed gratitude for the royal support for the Palestinians and his constant keenness on highlighting the Palestinian cause in international forums. 
He emphasized the rejection of foreign interference in Bahrain's internal affairs, praising Bahrain as a country of harmonious coexistence, harmony and peace. 
He commended the royal support for the conference of ambassadors of the State of Palestine, saying it is a noble gesture and an indication of the depth of the Bahraini-Palestinian relations. He stressed eagerness to consult with HM the King and other Arab leaders to reach a just, comprehensive and durable solution for the Palestinian cause. 
President Abbas said negotiations are ongoing with the United States, European Union, Russia and other parties to reach a solution that guarantees the Palestinian people's freedom, independence on the basis of the 2002 Arab peace initiative, and the two-state solution with East Al Quds as its capital. 
He underscored determination to establish the rule of law and achieve the national reconciliation in conformity with the outcomes of Cairo and Doha meetings leading to the formation of a national unity government and conducting general elections. 
The Palestinian leader added that a special committee has been recently formed to urge Hamas to halt their recent secession decision, asserting Gaza is part of Palestine.
He wished HM the King good health and happiness and the Kingdom of Bahrain further Progress and prosperity. 
HM the King hosted a dinner banquet in honour of the Palestinian President and the accompanying delegation. 
The mission of honour was headed by Minister of Information Affairs Ali bin Mohammed Al Romaihi. 

Source : BNA