Jordanian Prime Minister Abdullah Ensour

Jordanian Prime Minister Abdullah Ensour met Thursday with Arab League Secretary General Nabil el Araby.
During the meeting, they discussed the current situation in the region, challenges facing the Arab nation as well as efforts to address them.
The two sides stressed the need for a unified Arab stance to deal with the political situation in the region, mainly the threats of terrorism, extremism and violence, and preserve pan-Arab security, Jordanian state news agency Petra reported.
Ensour and el Araby also highlighted the importance of spreading moderate religious thought that maximizes the right to live and co-exist, and affirms the right of peoples to live in safety and stability and addresses the difficult economic situation of some Arab countries.
Talks during the meeting also dealt with preparations of the Arab League's general secretariat to hold the Arab summit later this month and the Arab foreign ministers' meeting that will be held next week at the pan-Arab organization's headquarters.
Ensour said Jordan's relations with all Arab countries are stable and based on mutual respect and mutual interests, affirming at the same time that the stability and prosperity of all Arab states is very important to Jordanian interests.
El Araby stressed the need for concerted Arab efforts to address the challenges facing the Arab nation and activate plans and strategies to achieve this objective.
Jordan will be heading the Arab League Council at the level of foreign ministers and permanent representatives as of March 9.