Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and the visiting speaker of the Iraqi Council of Representatives, Salim al-Jabouri, discussed on Monday the situation in Iraq and Yemen.
The Russian foreign minister gave high marks to consistent efforts of the Iraqi government to resist a terrorist threat coming from Islamic State. "Russia confirmed support for sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of Iraq, a need to respect the principle of non-interference in internal affairs," the Foreign Ministry said.
The top Russian diplomat and the Iraqi parliament speaker "stressed the importance of consolidation of all responsible political forces of the country in the face of common challenges and search for mutually acceptable solutions taking into account the interests of all ethnic and religious groups of the Iraqi society," the ministry said.
"Focusing on conflicts in the region, the sides spoke in favour of an early end to violence and search for ways of political settlement without a foreign dictate," it continued.
Discussing the tragic events in Yemen, they appealed to all parties involved in a continuing armed conflict for an immediate end to combat operations and the launch of an inclusive inter-Yemeni dialogue in the interests of unity, sovereignty and integrity of the country," the ministry informed.
Talks also focused on certain aspects of Russian-Iraqi relations and a need to give them a boost, the ministry said.