MI6, Alex Younger

Chief of the British Secret Intelligence Service, known as MI6, Alex Younger said on Monday that more security cooperation between his country and Egypt is required at the current stage in which the region and many world countries are going through mounting waves of terrorist acts.

During his meeting with President Abdel Fattah El Sisi in Cairo, Younger said that Britain sees Egypt as a cornerstone for stability and peace in the Middle East, Presidential Spokesman Alaa Youssef said.

President Sisi, for his part, asserted that Egypt appreciates its relations with Britain and is looking forward to further boosting these ties for the sake of both countries, especially amid the mounting terrorism which is not limited to the Middle East.

Sisi also stressed that countering terrorism needs a comprehensive approach that deals with the threat at the security and military levels while taking into account the political, social and cultural aspects. 

The meeting took up the current crises in the Middle East, with Younger asserting his country’s interest in getting acquainted with Egypt’s vision toward settling these issues.

To that end, President Sisi pointed to Egypt’s stance that supports the political solutions to the ongoing crises while respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the region’s countries.

Source: MENA