Minister Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan received (MoFA)’s Abdullah bin Faisal

Labour and Social Development Minister Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan has received Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA)’s Undersecretary, Abdullah bin Faisal bin Jabur Al Dosari.
The meeting discussed means of boosting the cooperation following the successful human rights achievements of the Kingdom of Bahrain during international meetings, citing the close and fruitful cooperation among all of the official institutions and departments that shaped the remarkable successes in the interest of Bahrain at the international arena. The meeting also reviewed the numerous achievements and rights guaranteed by the laws, including labour rights and employment without any discrimination.

The two sides reaffirmed the availability of the fully-integrated social protection system, unemployment insurance, job training and qualification, social assistance to productive families with limited income, disability welfare and rehabilitation, maintaining the quality elderly people’s life, child development, economic empowering of families including training, marketing and promotion of family products as well as the provision of funds from Alosra Bank.

They discussed the needs of civil society organisations, rights institutions and means of boosting their role to serve the community emanating from their effective partnership with official institutions. The meeting also discussed the revision and evaluation of the new law for civil society organistions (NGOs) with the participation of the relevant sides, the provision of all requirements to facilitate the societies’ carrying out their presumed role, the presence of NGOs in appropriate headquarters, financial support and adjustment of their status in compliance with the applicable regulations and laws.

The minister praised the positive role undertaken by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in showcasing the honourable accomplishments of Bahrain internationally, and MoFA's supporting the ministries at international functions, especially the Ministry of Labour and Social Development's pivotal role at the International Labour Organisation (ILO) meetings. He lauded MoFA’s supporting and cooperation with the other ministries emanates from the wise leadership’s keenness to convey the true image of the situations in the Kingdom of Bahrain as part of the reforms project of His Majesty the King and the actual reality of socio-economic and political development.

MoFA's Undersecretaryexpressed his appreciation of the ministry’s efforts in the provision of all means of community welfare and development and in maintaining labour rights. He praised the positive cooperation and partnership between two ministries with all the other ministries, lauding MoFA’s participation in international conferences that had its remarkable effect in the accomplishments and successes, affirming at the same time, the significance of continuity of such constructive cooperation and opening new vistas to achieve more in the interest of the nation and its citizens.
