Premier receives Yemeni counterpart, reiterates support to Yemen

His Royal Highness Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa received, at the Gudaibiya Palace today, his Yemeni counterpart, Dr. Ahmed Obeid bin Daghr, who is on a visit to Bahrain.4

HRH Premier held a meeting with his Yemeni counterpart, and reviewed with him the progress of the deep-rooted relations between the two brotherly countries and peoples, and ways to bolster them in various fields.

The Prime Minister asserted that defending brotherly Yemen is a duty and supporting it is a necessity, noting that it is a country with a special status among Arab states and cannot be left prey to foreign interference which, he said, is aimed at undermining its security and stability.

“Yemen will be victorious in its war against foreign interference in its affairs, as well as in its rejection of being dominated by others, and in supporting its legitimacy thanks to the determination and unity of its people and support of brotherly countries, led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,” HRH Premier said.

Yemeni Prime Minister lauded HRH Premier’s farsighted and in-depth vision of the current developments in the region thanks to his political experience and statesmanship, praising his sound vision that, he asserted, is leading the kingdom towards more progress and prosperity.

HRH the Prime Minister welcomed the visit of his Yemeni counterpart, and stressing its importance in enhancing the solid ling-standing relations between the two countries, and the strong fraternal ties binding their two peoples.

The Prime Minister commended the tremendous efforts exerted by President, Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi, and his government to achieve security and stability in Yemen, and the interests of the brotherly Yemeni people.

HRH Premier reiterated Bahrain’s firm and unwavering stance in carrying out its pan-Arab and Islamic duties towards Yemen through supporting its legitimacy, protecting its sovereignty and ensuring that its people achieves its aspirations for security and stability.

HRH the Prime Minister affirmed that Bahrain’s participation in the Saudi-led Arab Coalition to Support Legitimacy in Yemen stems from its belief in Arab unity and in the need to counter all forms of foreign meddling that are aimed at subverting security and stability across the region, stressing that the kingdom will continue supporting Yemen and confronting everything that may undermine its security and stability.

While reviewing the latest regional and global developments, HRH Premier and his Yemeni counterpart affirmed that the region is being targeted through policies that sought to cause harm to its stability.

They also agreed that the historic decision of Saudi Arabia, led by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud, to launch the “Operation Decisive Storm” had protected Yemen and the region against plots to spread chaos and fighting across it.

The Yemeni Prime Minister updated HRH Premier about the latest developments in Yemen, as well as about the efforts being exerted by the legitimate government, in coordination with the Arab Coalition forces, to reinforce security and stability.

He also briefed the Prime Minister about the efforts being made to deliver relief aid and assistance to those who need them in his country.

Dr. Bin Daghr expressed thanks and appreciation to HRH Premier for the gracious welcome and hospitality accorded to him, as well as for Bahrain’s honourable stances in support of Yemen and its legitimacy, and efforts to provide relief aid for needy people there.

He stressed that the authentic stances of Bahrain are not new, and that the pan-Arab stances of Bahrain’s King, government and people have always backed Yemen, voicing deep pride in seeing Bahrainis defending Yemen’s security and stability, alongside their brethren from the Saudi-led Arab Coalition.

HRH the Prime Minister hosted a lunch banquet in honour of his Yemeni counterpart.

Earlier, the Yemeni Prime Minister arrived in Bahrain, and was welcomed by Deputy Premier, Shaikh Khalid bin Abdulla Al Khalifa, and a number of senior state officials.

A convoy of honour, led by Deputy Premier Shaikh Khalid bin Abdulla Al Khalifa, was formed to accompany the Yemeni Prime Minister throughout his stay in Bahrain.
