UAE Ambassador meets with Bahrain's President of Civil Service Bureau

Ahmed bin Zayed Al Zayed, President of the Civil Service Bureau of Bahrain, CSB, has received Abdulridha Abdullah Mahmoud Khori, UAE Ambassador to the Kingdom of Bahrain.

They reviewed ways to enhance the strong bilateral relations between the two fraternal countries at various domains and avenues, especially human resources and developing civil service projects.

Al Zayed stressed his keenness on boosting the historic fraternal relations between the two countries based on the efforts exerted by the two countries' leaderships and governments to develop them in various co-operation fields. He also said that he looks forward to witnessing more co-operation between the two sides to meet the aspirations of the two countries and their mutual interests.

Khori extended thanks and appreciated the warm welcome of Al Zayed, while stressing that factors of cohesion between the two brotherly peoples constitute a strong base within the integrated system of GCC States.