UAE Ambassador meets with Minister of Public Administration

Abdul Salam Hareb Al Rumaithi, UAE Ambassador to Montenegro, has met with Suzana Pribilovic, Minister of Public Administration of Montenegro, and congratulated her on forming the Ministry of Public Administration.

Al Rumaithi expressed his confidence in the ministry’s ability to effectively manage its work and activities while pointed out that the UAE will offer all the necessary support to raise its administrative and management abilities while helping to create a modern and advanced administrative institution in Montenegro.

Pribilovic stated that one of the ministry’s most important priorities is to implement a strategy for the process of reforming the country’s public administration system by 2020, which is one of the three major components of the European Union’s, EU, expansion policies and reflects her overall goal of creatively offering various activities and services, to consolidate the ministry’s effectiveness on federal and local levels.

During the meeting, Pribilovic highlighted her will to apply modern standards of government administration, by adopting the "E-Smart" or "E-Government" system as the obvious direction for the country, which has gained its citizens’ trust and their confidence in its ability to advance the economy.

She added that the most important requirement of joining the EU is to adopt a "Smart Transformation" plan, which will ensure the provision of electronic communication between Montenegro and its various local authorities and citizens. Therefore, she stressed that co-operation between the UAE and Montenegro, through the UAE’s assistance in offering joint programmes to reform the country’s public administration system, will be highly important in the upcoming period.

Pribilovic also noted her desire to invite a delegation from the UAE to review how her government carries out its work, to benefit from the UAE’s experience in smart government.

She also expressed her admiration for the "UAE TAP" booklet, which Al Rumaithi presented to her during the meeting.