Chinese Vice Premier Liu Yandong

Chinese Vice Premier Liu Yandong will pay an official visit to Turkey, Jordan, Iran and South Africa from April 17 to 27, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Geng Shuang announced on Friday.

Liu's visit is at the invitation of Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Yildirim Tugrul Turkes, the Jordanian government, Iranian Vice President Sorena Sattari and the South African government, Geng said.

In South Africa, Liu will co-chair the first meeting of the China-South Africa high-level mechanism for dialogue on people-to-people exchanges with Minister of Arts and Culture Nathi Mthethwa.

Noting China-South Africa relations are in their best period in history, Geng said Liu's visit to South Africa will carry out the consensus reached by the two countries' heads of states and initiate the high-level mechanism for dialogue on people-to-people exchanges, the first China has established with an African country.

The mechanism, which covers cooperation in such fields as education, culture, science and technology, healthcare, youth, women, media, think tanks, tourism, sports and people-to-people exchanges, will play a significant role in deepening the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries.

The mechanism also serves to implement decisions made at the summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation held in Johannesburg, South Africa, Geng added.

During the visit, Liu is also scheduled to meet with South African President Jacob Zuma , attend a ministerial-level meeting on health and medicine, a seminar on scientific park cooperation, a high-level dialogue of thought, the closing ceremony of the second China-Africa youth gala, and a gala to celebrate the initiation of the two countries' high-level mechanism for dialogue on people-to-people exchanges and the 23rd anniversary of the new South Africa, Geng said.

Source: Xinhua