Egypt's Ambassador Mohamed Badr Eddin

Egypt's Ambassador in Beirut Mohamed Badr Eddin has met with Lebanese Social Affairs Minister Rashid Derbas and Mufti Sheikh Abdel Latif Derian, according to a statement released by the foreign ministry on Friday.

During his meeting with Derbas, the Lebanese minister offered his condolences to Egypt over the victims of the recent Sinai terror attack.

They also discussed ways of boosting bilateral ties in all fields, the statement said.

Also, the Egyptian diplomat and the Lebanese minister took up the latest regional and local developments, especially the situation in Syria and the crisis of Syrian refugees, the statement added.

For his part, Badr Eddin asserted that Egypt is keen on achieving stability in Lebanon.

In a separate meeting with the Lebanese Mufti, the Egyptian ambassador discussed relations between Egypt's Al Azhar and Lebanon's Dar al Fatwa.

He touched upon many fields of cooperation between Al Azhar and Lebanese Dar al Fatwa.

The Egyptian diplomat stressed that Egypt and Lebanon stand in the same trench against terrorism and all acts that tarnish the image of Islam, the statement underlined.