Egypt's former top auditor Hisham Geneina

New Cairo Misdemeanor Court has postponed to June 21 the trial of Egypt's former top auditor Hisham Geneina on charges of spreading false news in which he claimed that corruption in Egypt hit 600 billion pounds in 2015.

Earlier, the Supreme State Security Prosecution ordered Geneina's release on bail of 10,000 pounds pending the case.

Investigations carried out by the Supreme State Security Prosecution described Geneina's remarks on the volume of corruption in Egypt as "imprecise and inaccurate".

The prosecution listened to the testimonies of the head of the governance department in the Ministry of State for Administrative Development on a technical study prepared by a committee formed by the Accountability State Authority (ASA) on the corruption bill.

The governance official said that the time-frame of the study was between 2008 until 2012, and the study should have been conducted within the framework of the international agreements in force in Egypt that are limited to intentional crimes. 

In March, a presidential decree dismissed Geneina from his post and appointed his deputy, Hesham Badawy, as the acting head of the Central Auditing Agency.

Source ; MENA