Controversial French comedian Dieudonne M'bala M'bala

Controversial French comedian Dieudonne was being held at Hong Kong airport Thursday after flying in to give performances in the city, with his production company saying he was likely to be deported.

The comedian, who has been repeatedly convicted in France for anti-Semitic remarks, arrived in Hong Kong early Thursday and had been held for seven hours by immigration officers at the city's airport, his lawyer Sanjay Mirabeau said.

It was not immediately clear why he had been stopped or on what grounds he could be deported.

Hong Kong's immigration department said it would not comment on individual cases.

However, in a statement in response to enquiries about the case, it said that it was "committed to upholding effective immigration control by denying the entry of undesirables".

Dieudonne's company Plume Productions said he was being held with his children at the airport.

"He will likely be deported in the coming hours," it said in a statement.

Mirabeau said there was no reason for the comedian to be detained.

"His new show, 'In Peace', does not contain anything contrary to law. He speaks of plants, ecology," he said.

The French consulate in Hong Kong confirmed that Dieudonne had been held by immigration officers at the city's airport on his arrival.

"It's a question of implementing immigration laws relevant to the Hong Kong authorities," a consulate spokesman told AFP.