Minnie Driver

Minnie Driver flubbed the words to the national anthem over the weekend at a St. Louis Cardinals game at Dodger Stadium.

According to Entertainment Weekly, the Return to Me actress mixed up the anthem's lyrics twice during the minute-long rendition.

Driver started off well, her voice carrying throughout the arena, but things took an awkward turn when she fumbled on a few lines halfway through.

Driver messed up lyrics in the line, "O'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming," substituting "hailed" for watched. Soon after, the line "Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave," turned into "Oh, say can that star-spangled banner yet wave."

Driver did what any professional would have done: She kept on singing.

The actress still received praised despite the lyrical faux pas. She even called herself out on Twitter. "Gosh, I sang 'hailed' instead of 'watched' during the Nat Anthem last night," said Driver. "What can I say? I am an imperfect human being. I think that's ok."

Driver isn't the only star to screw up the words to the national anthem. American Idol champion Scott McCreery botched the lyrics at a World Series game, Cyndi Lauper messed it up at a 9/11 remembrance ceremony at the U.S. Open, and Christina Aguilera notably confused the lyrics during the Super Bowl XLV. Country singer Luke Bryan even received criticism for reading the lyrics off his hand during a performance.