Priyanka: I’m yet to find Mr. Right

Indian superstar Priyanka Chopra is not making any compromises in swapping Bollywood for Hollywood.
The former Miss World, who has won an army of fans in the US since taking the lead in the American spy thriller television series “Quantico” last year, refuses to be stereotyped by her beauty or her origins.
“I didn’t want to do a show that would stereotype me or put Indian people into a box. I’m a leading actress in India and I wanted to make sure I was a leading actress in whatever I did,” she said.
“I would not compromise on that,” said the star of the ABC show in which she plays an FBI agent suspected of committing a terrorist attack.
Proud to call herself a “strong-willed feminist,” the 34-year-old is determined to build her career and still “have lots of babies. But there is nothing under way on that,” she told AFP.
“I’ve still to find the right guy. That’s important,” she laughed.
She has turned down roles in Britain because she was “always asked to play the stereotype of an Indian.”
The spy show’s international success is changing all that.
“This show talks about people with secrets and everyone has secrets. Terrorism is a huge part of our reality whether you like it or not,” she said.
But jumping to conclusions about terrorism was equally dangerous, she said. “In America it is easy to frame a brown girl” like Alex, she added.
“People misconstrue the word feminism. It It is not hating men, or making men small. It is just saying, ‘We want our independence to make our own choices the way men have done for so long.’“

Source: Arab News