Plotless video game franchise Tetris

 Plotless video game franchise Tetris is headed for the silver screen, courtesy of media company Threshold Entertainment.
"It's a very big, epic sci-fi movie," Larry Kasanoff, CEO of Threshold, told the Wall Street Journal's film blog Speakeasy.
"This isn't a movie with a bunch of lines running around the page. We're not giving feet to the geometric shapes ... What you [will] see in Tetris is the teeny tip of an iceberg that has intergalactic significance."
As a filmmaker, Kasanoff is most notable as the screenwriter behind the live-action film adaptations of Mortal Kombat and its sequel, Mortal Kombat: Annihilation.
"Brands are the new stars of Hollywood," he says. "We have a story behind 'Tetris' which makes it a much more imaginative thing."