Egyptian actress Ghada Abd Al Razik has defended the seductive dance scenes and revealing wardrobe in her newest film “Riklam”, which is scheduled for release in the very near future. Ghada denied allegations posted on the social networks Facebook and Twitter that she had haphazardly added dance scenes to make the film more intriguing. She stressed that all the dance scenes in the film is justified for it completes a part of the story. Ghada stated that the seductive cloths and heavy makeup she appears in is due to the fact that she plays the role of ‘Shushu’ a girl that works at a nightclub and must attract attention to be able to make money. With regards to the Egyptian Censorship Committee, Ghada stated that the head of the censorship was very pleased with the film due to the fact that it tackles the subject of women who must undergo harsh conditions and are led to take on jobs that are not too respectful and accepted by society. The film stars actresses Rania Yousif, Ola Rami, Lili Qasem, Du’aa Sayef, Amr Khoursheed and Rida Hamed. It is directed by Ali Rajab.