Fully booked first charter flight from Azur Air lands in Abu Dhabi

The Department of Culture and Tourism - Abu Dhabi has partnered with Anex Tourism Group, a leading aviation and tourism services provider, to direct charter flights between Russia and Abu Dhabi.

As part of the agreement, twice-weekly charter flights from Moscow to Abu Dhabi International Airport will operate for six months. Indicative of the rising demand on this route, the first chartered plane landed in Abu Dhabi Friday evening, 27th October, which had a capacity for 189 passengers and was fully booked.

The emirate has witnessed a dramatic upsurge in travellers – both from Russia and countries within the Commonwealth of Independent States, CIS, – following the visa-free travel requirements implemented at the beginning of the year for Russian residents. From January to August this year, Russian and CIS hotel guests totalled 59,040 compared to 49,976 in the corresponding period in 2016, an increase of 18 percent.

Both markets together have shown significant double-digit growth, while travellers from Russia are among the top three longest-staying visitors in Abu Dhabi, with an average of one to two weeks.

Currently, Abu Dhabi has approximately 1,800 weekly seats from all Russia and CIS markets. With this programme, the Department of Tourism and Culture – Abu Dhabi aims to compensate for the lack of direct flights ahead of an anticipated surge in the number of visitors from Russia and CIS following the relaxation of visa requirements.

Sultan Al Mutawa Al Dhaheri, Acting Executive Director of the Tourism Sector at the Department of Culture and Tourism - Abu Dhabi said, "This is a huge step forward in Abu Dhabi’s tourism future, particularly for nonstop air service from Russia. We are excited to position the capital as the arriving and departing gateway for hundreds of Russian long-stay travellers looking to enjoy a relaxing yet affordable holiday. We are confident that this initiative will enable us to tap into the growing appetite to visit Abu Dhabi and experience its diverse attractions