Riyadh Airports in agreement with road-safety campaign

The Riyadh Airports Company (RAC) has signed an agreement with a Saudi traffic-safety awareness campaign that aims to reduce accidents in the Kingdom.
RAC signed the agreement of understanding with the “Allah Yatik Khairha” (may Allah bless you with goodness) initiative, which was launched in November by the General Directorate of Traffic (GDT), Saudi Commission for Tourism and National Heritage (SCTH) and the Disabled Children’s Association.
It aims to help reduce road mishaps, disability cases and injuries by spreading awareness of the dangers.
The agreement was signed by Abdulaziz Abu Harba, director general of the RAC, and Sulaiman Al-Mansour, executive director of the Allah Yatik Khairha initiative.
Harba said the initiative is important in explaining the serious dangers of accidents, expressing hope that the RAC’s support will help activate the initiative and make it succeed in achieving its goal of reducing accidents. 

Source: Arab News