The Spanish Ministry of the Interior in coordination

The Spanish Ministry of the Interior in coordination with the local government of Sebta are holding talks over the condition of security measures in Sebta. The possibility of using drones is not remote, repoted Daily newspaper Akhbar Alyoum.

With the aim of taking new reinforced  security measures concerning the situation of safety in Sebta, Spanish officials considered the possibility of relying more on advanced technologies instead of waiting for information that Morocco provides to warn about attemps of border-crossing between the fence separating the kingdom and Sebta, said Akhbar Al Yaoum citing Spanish sources.

The use of advanced technology aims to reduce the dependency on Morocco to provide security information relating to illegal immigration.

Spain could employ drones technology to monitor the movements of illegal immigrants in forests located in Moroccan territory, added the same source.

Spanish news website ABC explained that if Spain takes such security approach, it could lead to problems with Morocco.
