The White House called the federal court decision to strike down President Donald Trump's latest attempt at a travel ban "dangerously flawed" Tuesday, a statement released by the White House said.

"Today's dangerously flawed district court order undercuts the President's efforts to keep the American people safe and enforce minimum security standards for entry into the United States," the statement read. 

"The Department of Justice will vigorously defend the President's lawful action. The proclamation restricting travel was issued after an extensive worldwide security review by the Secretary of Homeland Security, and following consultation by the President with members of the Cabinet, including the Secretaries of Homeland Security, State, and Defense and the Attorney General.

"The entry restrictions in the proclamation apply to countries based on their inability or unwillingness to share critical information necessary to safely vet applications, as well as a threat assessment related to terrorism, instability, and other grave national security concerns," the statement continued.

U.S. District Court Judge Derrick K. Watson issued a temporary restraining order earlier Tuesday against Trump's third executive order, which imposed entry restrictions on citizens from eight foreign nations.

The so-called travel ban targeted immigrants from Chad, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Somalia, Syria and Yemen, and was set to take effect early Wednesday. The executive order also included restrictions on Venezuelan officials, which Watson left in place.

Source: MENA