Time to warm up your home for the cold season! We are spending more time indoors, and we need warmth on all levels, as well as the feelings of coziness and comfort. In the language of feng shui, what you need to do in the colder season is to balance your environment with the feng shui fire element colors You can bring this vital feng shui energy in your environment in many ways, with décor objects, new throws, pillows, good feng shui art, maybe a wall color , be creative and have fun with it. When re-decorating your home for the season, use feng shui decorating principles to create good energy. Light: the use of lights in varied colors in different areas of the house can break up the monotony. A lot of people suffer from seasonal effectiveness disorder and having full-spectrum lights can help to energize you on those days you are feeling especially lethargic. Put this light in the room where you spend the bulk of your time. Another thing to break up the bleakness of the indoor scene is using different light sources. Open the curtains to allow in natural sunlight use the lamps instead of the overhead. Little thing like this can help you stave off bouts of depression. Make a comfortable get-away for yourself in an area that is all yours. Make it cozy with a large chair some warm earthy pillows and throws. Throw in a comfortable footstool and overhead reading lamp. Let everyone know that this is your space by adding your personal items to it. Being cooped up with the kids all winter will make you crazy. Make this a spot that is off limits for the period of time you need to get centered and refreshed. Smells stimulate the senses: you can use the smells of other seasons to bring you out of the blahs. Or better yet nothing smells better or brightens up a cold winter day like homemade soup. If you have a fireplace lithe it from time. Look around your space to see just what may be out of balance. Using the fireplace as the focal point, rearrange the furniture to give the room a better flow and see if that doesn’t hit your reset button.