Revealed the killing of over 400 fighters

Revealed the killing of over 400 fighters of his forces and the injury of 700 during the battles to cleanse the cities of Iraqi Anbar province from the grip of ISIS militant group during the recent years.

He added that a large number of the families of those victims have not received the financial compensations from the government, calling the government for providing support for these families during the current critical conditions witnessed in the country.

He praised the efforts exerted by the leadership of his militia to provide the necessary equipment to their fighter to be able to achieve quick advance in the areas still controlled by ISIS. According to security sources, the Iraqi border guards clashed with ISIS extremist militants who attacked the checkpoints in Tribil and Arar, in the western side of the province.

Regarding the reasons behind the current security deterioration, leading member of Shiite militia Hakim Al Ghariri said that the consecutive defeats pushed the extremist militia to turn into the guerrilla, criticizing the Iraqi government for its failure to provide a force to protect the borders and to confront the remnants of the extremist group during the last months.

He added that Anbar’s desert is extremely vast, stressing that the extremist militias can easily find hideouts. He stressed that the desert will provide a suitable alternative place to the extremist group after its expel from Mousl. He stressed that the group uses the lack of troops existed there to launch its attacks against the governmental troops.

On his hand, Iraq’s Interior Minister Qassem Al Aragy called for the formation of a security committee to open an investigation over the recent security attacks witnessed in the province, while the parliamentary security committee criticized the governmental failure in dealing with such developments.

Anbar Provincial Council warned that ISIS attempts to reorganize its militants in the desert, stressing the need for inspecting the area. It stressed that the security violations led to the increasing attacks adopted by the extremist militias against the residential areas of the province.

On the other hand, U.S and Turkey work together to contain the increasing influence of Iran in the Middle East through changing the economic situation in Iraq during the coming period in the framework of a plan supervised by the senior assistants of President Donald Trump.

The Americans and Turks bet on Iraq, as they believe that the Syrian territories will not lead to any strategic gains to them during the coming period. The American Administration works to change the future of the region through improving the situation in Iraq and containing the Iranian influence there, as the Turkish government succeeded to put limits for the Iranian role in Syria during the recent months.