Mahmoud Abbas (L) and Abdel Fattah Al Sisi

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is scheduled to arrive in Cairo on Sunday to hold a meeting with his Egyptian counterpart Abdel Fattah Al Sisi upon invitation from the Egyptian presidency to resume consultation over the developments of the Palestinian issue and to discuss the recent developments on the Arab arena before the launch of Arab Summit scheduled to be held in Amman on March 29.
The talks between the two presidents are scheduled to extend to discuss the security, humanitarian and economic situation in the Palestinian territories in addition to the efforts exerted to resume the peace process as soon as possible and to support both the Palestinian and Israeli sides to return to the negotiating table.
On his hand, Palestinian Ambassador to Cairo Jamal Al Shobky revealed that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is scheduled to arrive in Cairo on Sunday to meet with Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi to discuss the recent developments on both Palestinian and Arab arenas.
The Palestinian diplomat stressed the keenness of President Abbas to hold consultations with his Egyptian counterpart and to brief him on the recent efforts exerted by the Palestinian side to end the Israeli occupation and to face the threats against the Palestinian issue in addition to the ways to support the Palestinians before the launch of Arab Summit scheduled to be held this month in the Jordanian capital Amman.
The talks will extend to the recent contacts conducted between the Palestinian leadership and the U.S Administration over the two-state solution and the American commitment to the peace process to end the current suspension.
In the same context, former Palestinian Ambassador to Cairo Barakat Al Farra said that the visit comes to refute the false news published during the recent period over the differences between Cairo and Ramallah. He stressed that the Palestinian leadership is keen to hold consultations with Cairo before taking any steps.
He added, in a statement to “Arabs Today”, that the visit also reflects the Egyptian keenness to deal only with the legitimate authority of Palestine, saying that the two presidents will discuss the American position from the two-state solution in the light of the phone call conducted by Abbas with U.S President Donald Trump to move forward the peace process.
He added that the Egyptian-Palestinian talks will also extend to the efforts to achieve the Palestinian reconciliation between Fatah and Hamas. He revealed that the two presidents will coordinate their positions before their visits to Washington to meet with Trump during the next month.