Algerian officials intensified their meetings with European

Algerian officials intensified their meetings with European, American and Russian officials to discuss the current Libyan crisis and the ways to overcome the challenges facing the dialogue between the different parties in addition to the ways to combat extremism and spread of weapons during the current period.

Combating extremism dominated the talks between Algeria and Russian Federation, as they discussed the threat posed by the terrorist group against the neighboring states and on the international and regional levels. Both Algeria and Russia expressed their concern over the repercussions of the terrorist attacks witnessed in the region on the international peace and security.

On his hand, Algerian Minister Abdel Qader Masahel met with American delegation to discuss the terrorist threat in addition to a number of other issues, including illegal immigration and security agreements related to combating terrorism.

The Algerian minister is scheduled to hold a tour in a number of Libyan areas on Wednesday to meet with the different conflicting parties in the country to discuss the ways to bridge the gap of difference to pave the way for conducting a serious dialogue to end the current crisis.

Chairman of the Committee on Peace and National Reconciliation Ahmed Mezab said that the tour scheduled to be conducted by the Algerian minister comes to resume the previous talks conducted by the Algerian officials in Libya during the recent months with the different Libyan parties. He stressed that Algeria refuses any military interference in Libya warning of the repercussions of such a step.

He stressed the need for conducting a serious dialogue as soon as possible to resolve the current crisis witnessed in Libya, saying that his country strongly refuses any military interference during the coming period in the region. He added that the spread of weapons in Libya poses serious threat against the Algerian security and the security of other neighboring states.