Algerian army destroyed four mines in Tizi Ouzou

A statement issued Algeria’s Ministry of Defense revealed that Algerian army destroyed four traditional mines and large amounts of explosive devices and bombs in Tizi Ouzou province in the eastern side of the country on Sunday. According to the statement, the Algerian army confiscated a truck and two vehicles in addition to nine tons of food and 5 pressure hammers, a generator and electromechanical devices.
During the recent two days, the Algerian army managed to suspend 29 illegal immigrants from different citizenships in the country’s southern provinces. The army raised a state of security alert on the southern and eastern borders to arrest the smugglers and to prevent the infiltration of illegal immigrants from the neighboring states, including Libya and Mali, to the Algerian territories. The Algerian measures coincide with intensive measures taken by a number of European countries contain the illegal immigration.
On the other hand, German media reports quoted European diplomats as saying that European Union Foreign Policy Authority and the EU Commission currently consider the possibility of sending a police mission to the southern side of Libya. According to the reports, delegations from Libyan conflicting tribes headed to Rome on Sunday to discuss the issue of illegal immigration.
The tribal delegations are scheduled to discuss a number of critical issues, including the peace and reconciliation between the conflicting tribes in addition to the ways to achieve development in the region as soon as possible and to combat terrorism. They also discussed the ways to contain the phenomenon of illegal immigration and to protect the borders between Libya and its neighboring states.